Alumni Messages to Grads

The last few weeks have been a challenging time at Cal Poly Humboldt. Many of our alumni have rallied to send in positive messages for our new alumni—congratulating you and wishing you well. It’s been an amazing outpouring of support!

Congratulations and best wishes for success and happiness to all of you.
Bob Behrstock, 1975: M.S. Fisheries

It's a great accomplishment to complete the journey you have been on. And now you are ready to start a new path. Lean into the plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
Tom Trepiak, 1981

Congratulations to the graduates of 2024! Many of you started at Cal Poly Humboldt during the COVID lockdown, but persevered to reach this accomplishment. I graduated from HSU 50 years ago, and have many fond memories of the school, the friends I made (and still have), Humboldt County, and some of the great faculty there. You can be very proud to have graduated this year, and I wish you good luck and success in your careers.
Kathy Dunn, 1974

We are proud of you and your accomplishments at HSU/CPH. Don't let these last few weeks stain your memories of this great institution. Embrace your future and remember those people who got you there! Congratulations!
Jim Walker 1984

Go Jacks! You have weathered the storms of Covid, torrential rain, demanding classes and political strife. Through it all you persevered and kept your focus. You are the leaders of tomorrow and we couldn’t be more proud of you. We know you’ll make the world a better place.
Jennifer L. Keller

The journey of life you are entering will bring both new challenges and chances. May you snatch the chances and beat the challenges! Congratulations! Best wishes as you now start your next grand adventure in life.
Dwayne Shattuck, 83

After earning an undergraduate degree and two master's degrees at Humboldt, I worked for four decades in service to American Indian and tribal organizations, and the University itself. Be proud that you are graduating from Cal Poly Humboldt, known for its commitments to social and environmental justice, and be confident your higher education has prepared you to make meaningful contributions in your own chosen fields of endeavor. Take a moment to celebrate--and then help us all make the world a better place for future generations!
Suzanne Burcell, BA 1978, MBA 1981, MA Ed 2004

Congratulations, Class of 2024! Bravo! At Humboldt, you have experienced a lot and have accomplished a lot. You have many gifts such as intelligence and perseverance. Please share those gifts with the world - we need them! Good luck in all your future pursuits. Follow your hearts whenever you can - it won't let you down.
Rick Matcovich, Parent of Current Student

The tassle was worth the hassle. Congratulations fellow Lumberjacks!
Carl Del Grande 1965

Congratulations Class of 2024! YOU DID IT! Completing your degree is an important accomplishment and we are so proud of you. Remember, you are aways part of the Cal Poly Humboldt Family, wherever you go and whatever you do. We have your back. Congratulations New Graduates and WAY TO GO!
Robin Smith 1978

Graduates, you are a resilient bunch! Wishing you nothing but the best. Your future is bright and you will be part of the change that is needed both near and far. Please take your skills and talents and help fix what us older folks created…the climate crisis, racism, political division, inequitable outcomes for our young people, underrepresented individuals and groups and more. Make advancements in healthcare, education, mental health and so on. As the brilliant and inspirational Maya Angelou said, “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. Please remember that your difficulties do not define you. They simply strengthen your ability to overcome” and overcome you have. Go make the world bright!
Heidi Moore-Guynup ‘98, 2000’

Congratulations 2024!!! We are honored to have you join us as alums of Cal Poly Humboldt. Now go out and use your knowledge to make this a better world. Know you always have a home in Humboldt—and laugh—a lot!
Dan Sealy, 1975

From we who started college in the fateful year of 1968 (RF Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, Chicago DNC, etc) and who dropped out of school shortly after the Kent State massacre, please remember the events of this time with wonder and strengthen your resolve to continue learning, both in your profession and as a human being. I’m proud of you.
Loretta Litke

Congrats on reaching this watershed, the best is yet to come. Go Jacks!
Joe Leeper-Faculty 1971-2009

It was 50 years ago that I was a freshman getting off the plane to attend Cal Poly Humboldt. I was so excited! Now I am so excited for all of you!!! May your lives be filled with your dreams coming true. Know that I was one alumnus amongst many that will be cheering you on no matter what path you choose, you've got this!!!
Carol Newman, 1980

Congratulations on finishing all of your work, and best wishes for success in the future.
Rick Botzler, Professor emeritus (Wildlife)

"Dear graduate,

Congratulations on successfully completing your college education! You will likely never regret the time, money, and energy you put into this important milestone. I have been a proud alumnae for many years.

I remember it was a turbulent time with protests the year I graduated. I signed a pledge that is still on the back of my diploma (that hangs in my office) to be a steward of the environment in all aspects of my life, from my own behavior to how I invest, etc. I’ve followed that pledge for nearly 40 years now.

I wish you joy and success however you define it. Do what brings your joy as much as possible. Life is long. Take your time and enjoy it.

Warmest wishes,

Barbara Fagan 1987

May you be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make. Congrats!
Erin Flinn, 1986

Humboldt graduates, congratulations on your commencement—on your beginning. You have faced challenges these past few years that prior graduates have not know for a number of generations, but your future is so promising. Persevere, be patient, remain honorable.
David Tyler, ‘83

I share your pride in your accomplishment. You persisted and applied your talents to your chosen field of study. Please also take pride in the courage of your peers who have stepped up to voice concerns for human suffering and express their deepest hopes for peace and understanding between different cultures and struggling peoples. May you be bearers of love and reconciliation without recourse to force or violence.
Charles Sharpe, Psychology MA, 1980

Congratulations graduates….your journey is blasting off to places unknown…when I graduated from HSU I had no idea that one day i would be able to apply my Humboldt values and lessons in a company like Patagonia….much less as the CEO! You are the next wave of values driven leaders- our collective future is in your hands- it’s a big responsibility …good luck! Mc
Michael Crooke - 86-forestry 89-mba

Congratulations, another part of your journey through life is complete. Now go out and explore the world. Find your path and follow it. Don’t listen to distractors, follow your passion, make the world a better place. Enjoy life.
Anonymous, 1970

CONGRATULATIONS to ALL of the graduates of 2024: I know the sweat equity you've put into the efforts that have brought you here to this time & place. Please keep-on learning and contributing to "the good of the order"...
Phillip A. Young '74

"Dear Class of 2024, We extend our sincere congratulations to you on your many educational achievements over the years and wish you the very best as you embark on the next stages of your life, whether it be furthering your education or embarking on a career. We know that the education you secured at CPH will serve you well whatever your career objectives are. Although it isn't the graduation that you might have been anticipating prior to the recent events, we are very grateful that graduation ceremonies will be held this year; that your family and friends can attend and that you will be duly honored for your achievements. We are amazed that the CPH staff and the Arcata area community were able to come together to arrange new locations for the ceremonies in such short order. We are especially pleased because we are the very proud grandparents of a member of your class and it really means a lot to us to participate in his graduation ceremony. His mother, our daughter, also graduated from HSU and his sister, our granddaughter, is a junior at CPH, so we've been supporters of the University for a long time. We would be remiss not to mention that our son-in-law is a long term member of the faculty.
be All the best,
Bob and Linda Garb"

My memories of my time at HSU grow more precious by the year, my affection for excellent instruction there more valuable, and I see the results of what I learned there every time I publish a book. May your memories time there grow yar by year in the same manner.
Alice Dunn, 1984

Congratulations to all Cal Poly Humboldt 2024 Graduates! You have successfully accomplished a major goal and now have a college degree to confirm it! As an alumnus of Humboldt myself, I know what you have endured to get your degree and I am proud of you for sticking with it to get it done. Along with the classwork academics, I also learned about personal commitments, responsibility, independence and many other life skills, all of which have been important to me and will also be important to you in whatever you choose to do. Best wishes to each of you in your future endeavors!

Brad L Smith"
Brad L. Smith, December, ‘71

Congratulations on reaching this important milestone, namely graduation from Cal Poly Humboldt! Your determination and resilience to persevere and push through obstacles such as a pandemic, unrest throughout the world, economic uncertainty, crazy politics, etc. let me know that you will continue to do well moving forward and figure out how to make this world a better place. I wish you all the best and welcome to the Humboldt Alumni Club.
Laura Fisher, Geology, 1984

Class of 2024, it's now your turn to go out into the world and 𐓷𐓘𐓯𐓤𐓘͘ ("Washkan"), in the Osage language-- do your best. Your opportunities are endless!
Anonymous, 1993

Congratulations graduates. Humboldt State College (at that time) provided a foundation for a solid career and a happy life for me and my family. Keep learning to cope with a changing world. We have Email now. We wish you the best.
Glen Atkinson, 1963

You studied and worked hard. You put in the hours. Maybe you held down a job to support yourself while going to school. And now it’s time to celebrate your amazing efforts! As you close this one door behind you may an amazing array of new doors open ahead of you. Congratulations! You earned it!
Jacob F., Nursing 1982

I was an indifferent high school student and had to attend a junior college for one year. I applied to what was then Humboldt State College and was thrilled when they admitted me. I found my true niche while I was there, with supportive faculty and wonderful research opportunities. Humboldt was truly a transformative experience for me, allowing me to continue on for a PhD in psychology and a highly successful career in academia. I am pleased to provide three scholarships for undergraduate research assistants in the hope that they will have the same wonderful experience I had. Good luck to each of you graduates.
Rick M Gardner, 1965

"Dear 2024 Graduating Class of Cal Poly Humboldt,

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you on this momentous occasion. As you stand on the threshold of a new chapter in your lives, we celebrate your courage, determination, and unwavering commitment.

Your journey to this day has been marked by countless hours of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. You have overcome challenges, embraced opportunities, and shown resilience in adversity.

You are not just graduates; you are the Next Generation of Leaders equipped with the knowledge, skills, and passion to make a meaningful impact on the world around you.

Embrace the power of your education to effect positive change in your communities and beyond. Whether it's through innovative research, entrepreneurial endeavors, or acts of kindness and compassion, each of you has the ability to make a difference in the lives of others.

Congratulations, 2024 Graduating Class. May you continue to inspire, lead, and make the world better for future generations.

With warmest regards, Carin
Carin Kaltschmidt, 1990

"The rewards of success come to those who work for it. Congratulations and enjoy the results of your labor! Now go out and make a positive difference in the world. ""Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established"". Proverbs 16:3"
Carol Clark, 1976

Congratulations on a fantastic achievement! I know it's been a lot of hard work, as I still remember many late nights in the Green & Gold Room in Founders Hall. But I also know of all that I have carried with me, including friendships that continue to this day. I hope the future holds many wonderful opportunities for you as you continue to dream and grow.
Anne Beckett, 1972

"Dear Graduates,

Congratulations on your momentous achievement, you are truly exceptional! We honor your commitment, intellectual curiosity, and work to reach this point, which serves as your launching. You overcame countless complexities and obstacles and emerged degreed and ready to carry on making a significant positive impact on the world. We are very proud of you and I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for studying in the library, making it your favorite place on campus, where I saw the whiteboards displaying expertise, enthusiasm, labor, and artistic endeavors. Best wishes and congratulations on your amazing path ahead of you. Please do keep us updated on your progress.
Cyril Oberlander, Library Dean

Circumstances have forced you to learn tremendous resilience. Use that. Go forth and be tenaciously awesome.
Jamey Harris