Graduate Submissions
View students' submitted videos, photos, and messages of thanks.
All eligible graduates are included in the program whether they submitted a photo or video or not.

Helen Acosta Biology (B.S.)

Francisco Alvarez Environmental Resources Engineering (B.S.)

Oscar Arciniega Social Work (M.S.W.)

Alexis Avitia Film (B.A.)

Helen Berry English (B.A.)

Caroline Brock Elementary Education (Credential) Secondary Education (Credential)

Macy Budesilich Botany (B.S.)

Antonia Butterfield Social Work (M.S.W.)

Alexandra Christensen Child Development—Liberal Studies (B.A.)

Alexis Clemente Environmental Resources Engineering (B.S.)

Ellen Colegrove Child Development—Liberal Studies (B.A.) Native American Studies (B.A.)

Armani Coleman Psychology (B.A.)